
 Ok, I'm just going to say it....Sometimes I feel like an impostor with this amazing jewelry company called KEEP! I'm no fashionista or experienced sales woman. In fact, I never dreamed I would ever be a part of a direct sales company. All I can say is, I am so glad I decided to step out in faith a year and a half ago and begin this journey with KEEP Collective. God has truly blessed me with this opportunity! 

As an Associate Director, I am in the top 1% of KEEP Collective (whaaattt???!!)
I broke this wooden board with my bare hand!!!!!! (not joking!)
My Ribbons!!!
This lady right here has been my biggest supporter and encourager!
I'm so thankful for you, Katie!
I love these ladies! Not all of our team members
were able to come but I'm so glad so many were!
Ready for the Parade!
Innovation Toast!
#1 in Sponsoring (aka sharing this opportunity with others!) 
Beautiful Charlotte Skyline on the roof top of our hotel!
An amazing group of leaders!
Silly gals!
The Innovation and Design Council for 2016
Do you see my Founding Star?
Fun times at the Hoopla Sparkle Reception!
Our party was at the Nascar Hall of Fame
Riding the shuttle to the dance party!
Beautiful friends from all over the country!
Dancing the night away!

Seriously, HOOPLA was so much fun and I learned a ton too! I am truly grateful for this opportunity! I never knew I needed this in my life until God lead me straight to it. I have made so many wonderful friends, grown in confidence, been celebrated for all of my success and enjoyed doing something for me! This "job" has blessed my family financially but it has also been wonderful for me, and is helping me to grow into the woman God created me to be. I can't believe I'm in the top 1% of this incredible company!! I can't wait to see where the next year takes me!

Tomorrow night I'll be sharing how we celebrated my sweet friend, Lauren, while we were at HOOPLA. That story needed a post of its own!


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