Back to (Home)School!

This has been a super busy week, and its only Tuesday! 
We officially started "back to (home)school" this week! Yesterday was our first day of LIFE classes with High Point Home Educators. The boys had a great day! Evan is in my Kindergarten class and Dylan is taking 4 classes including Biblical Integrity and NC History. He is sooooo excited about the history class! Tyson was just as excited as his big brothers although he just went to the nursery.

Tyson would not hold his sign correctly. It said,
 "Just another day of running around being the cutest little brother ever!"
On our way to LIFE Classes
Evan in his first LIFE class!

Today Evan enjoyed his first day of Kindergarten and Dylan started his 4th grade year! The day went well but I've gotta say, I cannot wrap my mind around them being old enough to be in Kindergarten and 4th grade! This is craziness!!! Time truly does go by too fast!

Today I am grateful for the ability to homeschool my children. I get to celebrate these milestones WITH them instead of shipping them off to someone else. I honestly cannot imagine loving my life anymore than I do right now. (I didn't say it was easy but its definitely worth it!) Being home with these little people God has blessed me with and being a homeschool teacher is something I never dreamed I would do, but God truly knew what He was doing and His ways are so much better than mine! I am also thankful that our first couple of days went smoothly. Chasing Tyson around while homeschooling Dylan and Evan will probably have its ups and downs but I'm looking forward to it!


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