Family Time!

It was a slight bit cooler today (85 instead of 95!) so we decided to get out of the house and go for a hike in Gibson Park. I never knew these little hidden trails existed, but they are really great for kids! Not too hilly or steep and covered completely by trees. It almost felt cool  as we walked. The boys had a wonderful time! Evan and Tyson held hands and the "Cub Scout" lead the way! 

After hiking and playing on the playground, we decided to go to Cracker Barrel for dinner. It was actually a calm and quiet meal which is rare for a family of 5! Dylan and Evan enjoyed playing checkers in the rocking chairs! This was the first time they've both played together like this. I almost cried watching them! I just can't believe how big they're getting!!!! Tyson was a little ham, as usual. There is just so much joy in these little guys! 

Today I am grateful for family time! We're together all the time since we homeschool and Bryan works from home quite a bit, but its still nice to get away from our "normal" and spend some quality time together with no phones, TV, tablets, or computers! I am also thankful for some sweet moments watching my boys run around outside. As I watched them, I just felt God smiling down on us. I am so overwhelmed with gratitude for the life He has blessed us with. Sometimes these simple, quiet (or loud because of little boys) moments are my favorites! I get to take a good look at all of God's blessings and my heart just bubbles up with joy. 


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