The best part of Christmas!

We had an absolutely amazing Christmas! We were able to give our boys everything they asked for and more, which is something we haven't always been able to do. We got to celebrate with family, eat lots of yummy food, and open lots of Christmas gifts. We started our day reading the Christmas Story from the Gospel of Luke. We discussed that Jesus is the real gift that we celebrate during Christmas and how He showed His love for us by coming to earth as a baby. We ended the day showing Christ's love to others by continuing a tradition that we began last year. Around dinner time we visited Brookdale Nursing Home. 

Our boys have visited Nursing Homes many times so they are usually pretty comfortable talking with the folks that live there. I always enjoy watching them bring so much joy to the residents but today, I was blown away. We barely got in the door before Dylan and Evan were handing out Christmas cards and giving hugs. They were not the least bit shy and everyone immediately fell in love with them. Tyson stole the heart of several ladies too!
My sweet boy gave out lots of hugs!!

Evan enjoyed helping the residents open their Christmas cards
My fellas!
Evan loved "reading" the cards to everyone
As we were leaving the nursing home this evening, I looked at Bryan and said, "That was the best part of Christmas for me!" I barely got those words out of mouth before Dylan said, "That was the best part of Christmas for me too!" Today I am grateful for a family that enjoys sharing the love of Jesus with others. We all love opening gifts and eating lots of desserts but to hear my son say that loving on the elderly was his favorite part of Christmas, absolutely melts my heart! I am also thankful for the sheer joy that my boys were able to give to the residents of Brookdale. One nice lady told Bryan that no one had come to see her today or called her to say Merry Christmas. She said that our little guys made her Christmas wonderful. I am thankful that God has given me these precious little ones to celebrate Christmas with and I'm grateful that they can bring a smile to so many others as well.


  1. I really enjoyed reading this. Brought tears to my eyes. Yes the elderly are sometimes forgotten. I'm thankful for my family and hope as I get older that I won't be forgotten. Thanks for sharing. You have a lovely family. Merry Christmas and Happy New Year to you and your family. Tell Bryan I said hello.
    From Old co-worker at Duke.....Melissa Gilbert


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