Candy Cane Bomb!

We've been doing (or at least trying to do) an act of kindness each day of December. Today we did something that the boys really enjoyed! Have you ever candy caned bombed a parking lot? No? Well, go do it immediately! It was really fun and simple too. We just printed stickers that said, "Merry Christmas! Jesus Loves YOU! 1 John 4:10" and put them small candy canes. Dylan and Evan did a great job preparing the candy canes and they were super excited to bomb a parking lot! 

When we pulled into the parking lot, the kids couldn't wait to put candy canes on each car. They did a terrific job! They even knocked on the window of a car that someone was sitting in and gave her a candy cane. Together they said, "Merry Christmas!" She was grinning from ear to ear.  So was I! I love watching my fellas share God's love with others, even in this fun, easy way!

Today I am grateful to live in a country where we can put candy canes that say "Jesus Loves YOU!" on cars in a public parking lot. In some countries, we could be killed for doing something like this. I am also thankful that my boys enjoy sharing God's love with others. They have been so excited about each of the acts of kindness we've done so far this month but this was definitely their favorite! (It was my favorite too!)


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