The Mommies In My Life....

All day today God has been revealing how blessed I am to have so many Mommies in my life. Please allow me to share how these awesome ladies have been a blessing to me, just today....

A few nights ago we tried to switch Tyson from his bassinet to his crib and it didn't go very well. He woke up 6-7 times. Yesterday one of my Mommy friends suggested that we put the changing pad in the crib so that it snuggles him more. We did it and last night he slept all night! He woke 2 times to eat and went right back to sleep, in his crib! I am so thankful for the advice from other Mommies who are dealing with the same things we are.

This morning I spent time with a dear friend. She is also a homeschooling Mommy of 3 little boys. When we are together we do a lot of venting and sharing about trials in motherhood. There is a whole lot of laughter involved! This morning we did our nails as 6 little boys played (and slept) all around us. It was so wonderful to talk to another Mommy. Friendship is so rejuvenating!

Another Mommy (who has grown children) reminded me not to feel guilty when my quiet time doesn't look a certain way, that my walk with Christ is on-going through out the day and I can spend time with Him in any way or at any time. She reminded me that God put these children in my life and He knows the demands I have and that He just desires for me to draw near to Him and it doesn't have to look any specific way. That was such an encouragement to me as I am very busy at this season in my life. I needed to be reminded that those "quiet time expectations" are man's, not God's expectations. She said, "Be Free" in your walk with Christ. I love that thought.

I have an amazing friend who has recently become a single mom and although we don't get to spend as much time together these days, we keep in touch each week by sharing what's going on and praying for one another. There is nothing like Mommies interceding on each other's behalf.  If I need prayer, I know I can count on her!

I also heard an amazing piece of wisdom from a very Godly Mommy at church tonight. She has raised four children and I love hearing her words of wisdom. She said, "It isn't your job to raise a happy child. It is your job to raise a Godly child." If I can remember those words it will help me with discipline, with creating boundaries for my children, with speaking to my children and so on. I don't want to just make my kids happy, I want to point them to Jesus even if that doesn't please them in the moment. It is such a blessing to have Mommies who have "been there, done that" to share with us newer Mommies!

Today I am thankful for all the other Mommies that God placed in my path. (There are so many other Mommies that I could mention too.) These ladies are inspiring and encouraging. They listen when I need to talk. They pray for me when times are tough. They praise God with me when things are wonderful. They give me advice when needed and they offer applause when there are little triumphs. God didn't place us in this life to do it alone. I am so grateful that He has placed these women in my life, during this season, to "do" life alongside me. I am thankful for the laughter and hugs, for the words of wisdom and the tears, for the jokes that only another Mommy can understand, for the compassion and for the prayers. I am so grateful for all the other Mommies in my Life!



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