Mark it off the Bucket List!

I've never really made a bucket list but if I had one, riding in a hot air balloon would be on the top of it. I don't know why but I've always wanted to go up in a hot air balloon. Tonight I can cross that item off my imaginary bucket list because I got to do it today!  It wasn't a "real" hot air balloon but it was an afforable version of it called "Wonder of Flight". This balloon goes up 400 feet into the sky. Its a short ride but it was terrific! We could only go up 2 at time so Dylan went up with me and Evan went up with Bryan. (Tyson couldn't go....maybe next time!) We went up around 6:45pm while the sun was setting. The sun faded behind a mountain and the sky light up with fabulous colors.  It was absolutely gorgeous!

Next time we'll go up together =)

Today I am grateful for the opportunity to go up in a hot air balloon. I still hope to go up in a real hot air balloon one day but this was wonderful. The view of the mountains was spectacular and the sunset breathtaking. I always enjoy taking in God's amazing creativity. I am also thankful that the boys got to experience this exciting activity. They were a little nervous at first but both of them loved it and can't wait to do it again one day, with Tyson along! I am looking forward to doing it again too!  


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