Washed by the Water...

A few weeks ago my oldest son, Dylan, gave his life to Christ. As believers in Jesus, the first thing we are called to do is be baptized. Today Dylan followed in obedience and was baptized during the worship service at our church. It was an absolute honor to watch my sweet boy being baptized! This Mommy's heart just overflowed with joy! I love how God has been at work in Dylan's heart. I pray that all my boys will follow in their big brother's foot steps.

My three handsome fellas
Certificate of Baptism
Dylan with Pastor Brandon

Yay Dylan!!  Your Mommy and Daddy are so proud of you!
Today I am thankful that Dylan accepted Jesus as his personal Savior and boldly proclaimed it by being baptized. I am grateful for the excitement that Dylan has felt as this day approached! He couldn't wait to be baptized! I am also thankful for the friends and family that came to support Dylan and make this day special for him. This was a very important day for our little family! Our first son was "washed by the water" and we couldn't be happier!


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