
Showing posts from February, 2011

"Look, The Sun!"

The other day when driving in the car Dylan yelled out, "Look, Mommy, the sun!" I said, "Yes, its pretty isn't it?" Dylan responded by saying, "God made that for us!" How often do we forget how much God has done for us? I take these simple but amazing things for granted all the time. I never think about how awesome the sun is or how magnificent the stars are. I totally forget how amazing the mountains and clouds are. Today I am thankful for the world God made for us. He is so creative and doesn't get praised enough for His beautiful creations.

A Mother's Instinct

Last night my sweet Dylan threw up for the first time, poor baby!! We were at Darcie and Stephen's house for dinner and Dylan wasn't acting right. He was laying on my lap and all of a sudden I just KNEW he was going to throw up. He didn't tell me because he didn't know what to call what he was feeling since he had never thrown up before. I told Bryan to take him to the bathroom and 3 mintues later my baby got sick. Bryan was so amazed that I knew what would happen before it happened. He kept asking me how I knew...I don't know how I knew except that my motherly instict kicked in! Today I am thankful for a Mother's Instinct. What an impressive attribute! God really knew how to help regular women become great Mommies!

God's Promises

Today I am thankful for God's promises. Bryan and I listened to a podcast recently where the Pastor was speaking on God's promises. He said that there are over 7,000 promises in the Bible. Wow, God loves us so much and He has promised so many things to us! One of my favorite promises is found in Joshua. "Have I not commanded you? Be strong and courageous. Do not be afraid; do not be discouraged, for the LORD your God will be with you wherever you go.”  Joshua 1:9 No matter where we are, where we've been, what we're facing...God promises to be with us! What an amazing promise. I'm going to hold on to that promise today!

God knows best!

The other day when I took Dylan to the park, I drove past Shadybrook Elementary School. It reminded me of when I was pregnant with Dylan and I had an interview at that school. I really liked the school and the principal said that I would be a perfect match for the Kindergarten staff. He showed me which classroom would be mine and told me that the job was mine, he just needed to set up another meeting so the current Kindergarten teachers could meet me.  I left there on cloud 9! I was thrilled because I just knew that I would be teaching the following year in this school! The principal took 2 weeks to call and when he did he told me that the Kindergarten teacher that was leaving the school really wanted him to hire a first year teacher so she could leave all of her teaching supplies behind, to someone who really needed it. So, he didn't hire me. This was devastating because I really wanted out of the school I was teaching in! I was upset and I didn't understand why God let ...

"HELLLLOOOOO in there!"

When I was pregnant with Dylan, Bryan used to talk to my belly. So, Bryan has taught Dylan that he can talk to the new baby in my belly too. It is soooo adorable! Dylan says (very loudly) "HELLLOOOO in there!" He has also told the baby that he loves it. This baby will know its brother's voice very well! And its daddy's voice too! I can tell that this experience is going to be priceless! I am so thankful for my little family and our newest blessing!

"I'm not a baby anymore."

While eating breakfast with Dylan this morning, I asked him if he remembers what I have in my belly. He said "Yes, Mommy, its a baby!"  After taking a few more bites of muffin he said, "Mommy, I'm not a baby anymore, I'm Dylan and I'm a big brother!" Oh, how sweet!!! Today I am thankful that Dylan is excited about being a big brother. I know this may change once the little bundle of joy arrives but at least for now, he is excited and I am so glad!

We're Pregnant!

Today I am thankful for an amazing blessing!!! There is going to be an addition to the Shaw Family! I took the test this morning and I couldn't be more pleased. Once I got over my shock and took a few minutes to praise God,  I put a "big brother" shirt on Dylan and sent him to show his Daddy. Bryan hugged Dylan and Dylan said, "I'm so happy Daddy!" All of us are soooo happy! Father God, Thank you for such an incredible gift. You are knitting this child in my womb. Please hold it in your hands, protect it, and prepare it for this world. May YOU recieve all the glory. Amen. "For you created my inmost being; you knit me together in my mother's womb." Psalm 139:13

Family Time

This weekend we were able to spend time with our families. We had a great time celebrating my Mom's birthday and visiting with Bryan's parents. In the past Bryan and I wanted to move to Pennsylvania when we got married. That wasn't a possibility when we got married 6 and 1/2 years ago. Now that we have our sweet little boy, I am so glad that we never made that move. I'm so happy that we are able to spend time with our families. Today we will get to spend some time, just the 3 of us. I am so grateful for our little family and our extended families and I am so thankful for the opportunity to spend time together.

Happy Birthday to my Mom!!!

Today I am thankful for my beautiful mother. It wasn't until I had a child of my own that I realized how precious the love between a mother and a child truly is. I am so thankful to have a good relationship with my mother. Over the years she has taught me so many things but the lesson that sticks out the most is one that I inferred while watching her over the years... there is nothing more important than taking care of your children. Regardless of what my mom had to endure in her life, she always did what she felt was best for us. That is a lesson that I hope to live out in my life and teach to my children. Family is one of God's greatest blessings! So, today I want to thank my mother for always loving me, for "putting up" with me and my eye-rolling as a teenager, for a being a wonderful grandmother for Dylan and Hayden, for always being supportive, and teaching me how to be the best mother I can be. I also want to thank my Heavenly Father for allowing me to be born ...

If Jesus isn't Lord over ALL of your life, He isn't Lord of your life at all!

Yesterday, while driving to Winston for a Thirty-One party, I listened to a Podcast that Bryan saved for me on his MP3 player. This podcast by Clayton Dougan was very interesting and taught me several things about revival. One important part of the message was "If Jesus isn't Lord over ALL of your life, He isn't Lord of your life at all!" This statement is such a great reminder! There are so many Christians that claim Jesus as Lord but their lives do not reflect this truth. It has been true of most Christians at some time, including me. We need to make a decision daily to place God at the top of priority list. Reading His word, singing His praises, sharing Him with others, praying, and attending church shouldn't occur only when we have time or when we feel like it. If Jesus is Lord of our lives we will desire to learn more about Him, to pray to Him, and to share Him with others. If Jesus is truly the Lord of my life then He will be the Lord of EVERY area of my l...

Music to my ears!

As I am writing this post, Dylan is sitting with a book at the coffee table. He is "reading" it with terrific expression! This book has animals and trains in it so he is making all the appropriate sound effects. It warms my heart to hear his little voice. This is just another reason why I am so grateful that I get to be home with Dylan each day. He is growing so fast. Listening to him play and sing and "read" is music to my ears!

A Hot Shower

Today I am thankful for the ability to take a hot shower! As I was standing in the shower this morning, I couldn't help but think of those around the world who do not have this luxury. Its not just those on the other side of the world, there are people all around us who do not have the ability to take a warm shower. We don't usually think of showers, beds, heat/air conditioning, food and water as luxuries but they do make life so much better and we are NOT entitled to these things, we are blessed with these things!  I know I often take this and other everyday things for granted so, today I am thankful for my shower!

Man's Best Friend

Today I am thankful for our sweet dog, Mitch. He has to be the most content dog I have ever met! He is calm and friendly and never barks. He truly has been the best pet we could have ever dreamed of having. Bryan and I adopted him from the pound about 10 years ago. He was the only dog not barking. We fell in love with him that day and he has been such a blessing to us every day since. When we brought Dylan home from the hospital,  we were a little concerned  that Mitch might be jealous and not like the baby but he surprised us because the first thing he did was lick Dylan's tiny feet!  Mitch has loved Dylan from the minute he was born (and even before, he used to lick my belly when I was pregnant with Dylan). They say a dog is a man's best friend. I think that is true! Mitch is Dylan's best friend and a precious member of our family! I am so grateful to have him in our lives.

A Kind Heart!

Yesterday Dylan and I celebrated Valentine's Day by visiting my Grandmother in her nursing home. The kids in Dylan's Mission Friends class at church (I'm the teacher) made cards for us to take with us to the nursing home. We've been to the nursing home several times but we usually only visit with Grandma Doris. I was worried that Dylan would be a little intimidated by the other folks but he wasn't! He handed out valentines and said "Happy Valentine's Day!" I'm sure he made those precious people so happy =) Today I am thankful that my little sweetheart has a kind heart.  Visiting Grandma Doris at her nursing home.  Handing out cards to folks who live with Grandma Doris Walking down the hall, ready to hand out cards! Grandma Doris, Dylan, and Me =) He enjoyed handing out valentines! Everyone loved Dylan! Walking with Grandma Doris Giving Grandma Doris a hug. This puppy spends every day at the nursing home, Dylan l...


Eight years ago today, Bryan took me to Arigato's (my favorite restaurant) for on dinner to celebrate Valentine's Day. He had already given me flowers and a card and made the day really special for me so I though we were just going for a nice dinner. When the meal was almost over, Bryan scooted his chair back, got down on one knee, held up a small box and said "I won't make you wait any longer, will you marry me?" I was stunned and everyone was watching! Although I was only 20 years old, I had been waiting for this (since I was 14 when we told each other we would get married one day!) I was shocked that it was actually happening! Apparently I had my hands covering my mouth as I tried to spit the words out. Bryan looked me and said, "Well?" I finally screamed out "YES!" We embraced and the room erupted with applause. The couple next to us paid for our dinner and everyone at the table had to see the ring, which is absolutely beautiful. When we l...

Date Night!

Bryan and I will be celebrating Valentine's Day today (in order to beat the crowds.) To celebrate we will be having an old fashioned "date night!" I've never been so excited about dinner and a movie! I am so excited to spend the evening with my sweet husband.  Today I am thankful that my mom is going to babysit and Bryan and I will get to enjoy a date night!

Sweet Moments

Today I am thankful for those sweet moments that bring such joy! Last night Dylan, Bryan, and I were laying on the couch together. Dylan put his arm around me and said "I like you Mommy and you're so pretty." My heart melted!! I am so grateful for this precious little guy, he is so sweet! Its moments like these that make "my cup runneth over!" Thank you, Heavenly Father, for all of my blessings, especially these priceless moments that make me smile from ear to ear!

Second Chances

I' ve been studying Jonah during my quiet time and I've read a lot about second chances. Jonah ran from God, he was totally disobiedent and ended up in the belly of a big fish!  It wasn't easy for Jonah but when he finally submitted and humbled himself, God was able to use him again. "And the LORD spoke unto the fish, and it vomited out Jonah upon the dry land." Jonah 2:10 This story reminds me of myself. In the past I have done things that I am not proud of, things that were disobedient to God. As I look back on those times I can see that God has given me a second (and third, and fourth, and twenty-fifth) chance. I can see that God spoke into my life and changed my situation for me. Today I am so thankful that my God is a mericiful, loving, kind God who gives all of us a second chance. We just need to cry out to him and humble ourselves.

High Point Fire Fighters

Last night when we drove into our neighborhood after church, there were 2 fire trucks parked right in front of our house. We had to park down the street because our driveway was blocked. Bryan was outside waiting on us and Dylan ran to him screaming "Daddy, Daddy, do you see the fire trucks?" Dylan was absolutely amazed by the fire trucks (for those of you who don't know, he has had a fire truck obession for several months now). When the fire fighters were done helping our neighbors, they all waved at Dylan as they went back to their fire truck. One fire fighter even came over to Dylan and talked with him about the fire truck. He told Dylan that he could visit the fire station some time. Dylan was in awe! He hasn't stopped talking about the fire trucks and fire fighters! Today I am thankful for the brave men and women who serve in our community. Thank you for taking the time to talk to my little guy. You never know, he may decide to fight fires one day too! (although ...

Potty Trained!

Today I am thankful that my sweet "Big Boy" is potty trained! He has been working on this for a while but I think its official now! He hasn't had an accident in weeks and he tells us when he needs to go. No more diapers, pull ups, etc. He is in big boy underwear! I am so proud of him and so thankful that he done so well with it!

A good sense of humor

Today I am thankful that God gave us all a sense of humor...some have a great sense of humor and some don't. Dylan has a terrific sense of humor and it makes life so much fun! Since Dylan was about 18 months old he has been taking the little red mouse off of Bryan's laptop. He thinks it is hillarious to hide it from Bryan. Until today he had been hiding it in the same exact place every time and he would laugh until Bryan realized it was gone. Bryan would look between the couch cushions and there it was, every time! We would all laugh histerically. Well, today Dylan decided to mix it up. He hid it across the room this time. He laughed as Bryan looked for it in the usual place and then said "Daddy, I hid it over there!" I love this kid so much and I'm so thankful for his sense of humor!

God's Word

During my quiet time this morning I was reminded that regardless of what is going on in my life, I should continually praise my Heavenly Father. I am in a great deal of pain today because of my back/pelvis and recently my doctor told me that this condition is not going to get any better(which feels a little discouraging). I am so thankful that God has reminded me that I should offer thanksgiving to Him regardless of my pain or the situation I find myself in. Romans 8:28 says "And we know that in all things God works for the good of those who love him, who have been called according to his purpose." How awesome is that?! Even though my pain seems horrible and pointless, God is using it for good. When I ponder on that I have no choice but to praise my Lord! Today I am thankful for God's Word. I love that God uses His word to comfort us and change our attitudes; to remind of things we've known for years and to teach us new things. Thank you, Father, for reminding me to...


We had been planning to go to WinterJam for weeks. We took Dylan to his Grandparents for the evening, left super early (we thought), waited in line for parking for over 45 mintues, went inside the coliseum and found out that WinterJam was sold out! Needless to say, we were bummed! Of course, we complained and grumbled and felt really disappointed but the more I think about it, the more I realize how awesome that is! Over 20,000 people were at the Coliseum to praise our Heavenly Father!!! Hallelujah! Today I am thankful that so many people were gathered to sing praises to God and I am thankful that in Heaven....there will be room for everyone!

"Please Hold Me Mommy!"

Its seems like just yesterday my sweet baby boy was just a little bity thing who had to be carried and rocked. Now he is just a few months shy of being 3 years old and he is so independent. A few minutes ago he came over to me, stretched out his arms, and said "please hold me Mommy." That was music to my ears! Today I am thankful for those precious moments when my big boy sits still and allows me to hold him. Those moments are rare but I cherish them!

Good Deals

Today I am thankful for good deals! I took Dylan to Bumper Jumpers in Greensboro today but before I went I prepaid for a coupon that a friend told me about. This coupon is "3 for 1 at Bumper Jumpers!" This is such a good deal because Dylan will get to go numerous times for the price of 1 time! I love getting deals like this and Dylan loves going to Bumper Jumpers!

"He's hiding in there!"

As we were saying bedtime prayers with Dylan last night,  Dylan asked where God is. We were discussing this with him when he unzipped his pajamas, pointed to his heart, and said "He's hiding in there!" It was so adorable! Today I am thankful that God is hiding in our hearts. We often think of him as this big God who is in the sky watching over the world. We forget that He loves us so much that He desires an intimate relationship with each of us, He knows every thought and every desire, and He is with us always. He is always looking out for us and wants what is best for us. I am so thankful that I can live my life knowing that God is hiding my heart and I am never alone.

The Miracle of Life

Today I am thankful for the miracle of life. This morning I awoke to my cell phone ringing. It was my good friend, Brandi. Her water broke this morning!!! Brandi and her husband are having their second child today. I am so happy for them and praying for a healthy, happy baby boy. It reminds me of when my water broke with Dylan, it was one of the best days of my life. I am so thankful that God has blessed me with such a precious memory of the day my baby boy was born. Father, thank you for the miracle of life. What an amazing expression of your love and grace! Please hold Brandi, Daniel, Cora Beth and their sweet baby boy in the palm of your hand today. May all the glory be given to you. Amen .

The Best Husband Ever

Dylan is feeling much better after having the flu but now I have it. I am not feeling well at all. Bryan left work early yesterday so that I could sleep for a while. (I don't remember the last time I took a 4 & 1/2 hour nap!) He has been taking care of me plus he did laundry and took care of dinner. I am so thankful for him because I don't have the energy to do anything! I have the best husband! Bryan, thank you for taking care of me!