Praying For Their Future Spouses!

I bought this set of prayer cards a few weeks ago and I have to say, I really love them. The cards offer simple suggestions to help kids develop a well rounded prayer life. It's so nice to hear my kids praying intentional thoughts instead of just reciting the same quick prayer each night, as if to get it over with. 

Tonight, the card suggested for the kids to pray for their future spouses. I have prayed over each of their spouses many times but I've never even thought about having the boys pray for their future wives or Allison pray for her future husband. It is incredibly sweet to hear a 5 year old pray for the little girl that will one day be his wife and an 8 year old pray that he hoped his wife had a really good day.

The boys didn't seem to think it was weird to pray for their wives, but honestly, it felt somewhat odd hearing them pray for these people that will one day join our families. But when I think about impact childhood has on adults, I realize how important it is for me to be in prayer daily for my children's spouses. What if they prayed daily for their spouses and their spouses prayed daily for them, before they even meet? That would make for an amazing start to their relationship!

Today I am grateful for tonight's suggestion for the kids to pray for their future wives and husband. There are so many things that we don't often pray over that we should, and this is one of them. Going forward, I will consider it an honor to pray for the people God has chosen for my children to spend their lives with. I will also consider it a great privilege to teach my children to pray for them as well. I am also thankful that I've found these simple, yet powerful cards to help us grow in our prayer lives!


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