A Bunch of Little Helpers

I've wanted to bake some Christmas cookies over the past few days but haven't gotten around to it. I didn't really feel up to making anything this evening but the kids were begging to help me. So, we made Chocolate Overload Cookies. Evan, Tyson, and Allison lined themselves up along the kitchen counter on stools and took turns helping me add ingredients and stir the dough. I was really surprised by their willingness to share and take turns! It makes my heart a little sad to say this but, Dylan is a preteen now and doesn't always want to help these days. He definitely enjoyed eating the cookies later, though!

Today I am grateful for my 3 little helpers. Honestly, as most moms will tell you, it can be a lot more work to have this kind of "help." And this evening, I really didn't feel up to any extra work. But I decided to allow them to assist me and I'm so glad I did. They had a lot of fun and really did a great job working together. They didn't make too much of a mess either.  They were really proud of the finished product as well. I am also thankful for what they reminded me of tonight. Such simple things, like making cookies, bring them so much joy. Sometimes I get caught up in so many other things, I forget to truly enjoy the simple moments. Tonight these three reminded me that there is a lot of joy to be found in the seemingly mundane, sometimes overwhelming, possibly aggravating aspects of parenting. When I don't think it will be worth the hassle, they repeatedly prove me wrong. They teach me so many things! Maybe they are a bunch of little helpers, in more ways than one!


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