Grateful for the Crazy

Sometimes when I look at pictures like this one, I'm really blown away. Bryan and I have 4 kids! Can you believe that? I know, I know....that's old news. But seriously, when did this happen? It seems like just yesterday I gave birth to my first son! 

This afternoon while we were all sitting on the couch I had a "mom" know, one of those moments that us moms have where we actually take a second to breathe, relax, and enjoy everything we work so hard for. Those moments where we realize all that we've been given and all that we have to be thankful for. This afternoon my heart filled with gratitude as I held my baby girl while sitting next to my husband and 3 amazing sons. We were all huddled on one couch, which is the way we usually sit together, and I couldn't stop thinking, "What a sweet gift they are to me!"

My life is crazy. Busy. Filled with laundry. The bathrooms smell like pee most of the time. The dishwasher always needs to be emptied. There is either a diaper to change or a snack to make at all times. My patience is tested numerous times a day. I have a child with me 24/7, even in the bathroom. I am always concerned with my children's education because its in my hands completely. My to-do list is 3 pages long and I rarely get a full night of sleep. There is sand all over the floor because my 2 year old won't keep the sand in the sandbox, the puppy still isn't potty-trained, and sometimes my kids watch too much TV and (gasp) I'm ok with that!

My life is crazy. BUT  I  LOVE  IT.

I remember a time when I prayed for exactly what I have now (even though I never dreamed we'd have 4 kids or be a homeschooling family!)
 It doesn't always look as perfect as I thought it would but that's ok.
Even though its chaotic and loud, there is nothing I want more than what God has already given me. 
I am so incredibly grateful for the crazy. 


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