A Bird's Whistle....

After having 4 babies in 9 years, its probably no surprise that I'm not where I want to be physically...hahaha. (No where near where I want to be actually.) I've been rather hard on myself lately because of it and after much prayer, I know God wants me to show myself a little grace. I may not be a supermodel but my body has done something pretty super, 4 times! So, I'm trying to be okay with who I am for now....I mean, its only been 4 months since Allison was born, right? 

In this process of learning to love myself, even though I don't look like I want to, I've been asking God to help me feel beautiful. I was actually praying that prayer specifically on my way to the vet this afternoon with our puppy, Miles. Something had happened which made me feel unhappy with myself so I started praying, asking the Spirit to help me feel pretty. I got out of the car, walked into the vet, and the parrot who lives there whistled the loudest "look at you, beautiful" whistle! You know the one....the most recognizable whistle ever! I smiled so big and the receptionist said, "Wow, I wish he did that for everyone that walked in!" 

Today I am grateful for the little ways the Holy Spirit ministers to my soul. This is definitely a journey for me, (maybe more like a big, zig zag roller coaster) and my Father knows I need a wwhhoooolllleeeee lot of encouragement. So, even the birds think I'm beautiful! It's pretty amazing to me that God cares so deeply about His children. We truly are so valuable to Him!

 "Indeed, the very hairs of your head are all numbered. Do not fear; you are more valuable than many sparrows." Luke 12:7


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