3 years old!

Today we celebrated Tyson's 3rd birthday!!! I honestly cannot even believe I just typed that...3 years old?  Really?? How can it be three years since we got our huge surprise??? It seems like just yesterday we heard the words, "It's a boy!" when we had been told for months that we were having a girl! We had sold all the blue clothes, blankets, etc and exchanged them for pink things. But when Tyson made his entrance into the world, we had to exchange it all again!  Tyson's birth was shocking but it he has been such an amazing blessing to us! God knew exactly what he was doing when He placed Tyson in our family and I praise Him daily for His plans for us!

We had a wonderful day celebrating Tyson! He opened presents this morning, enjoyed an afternoon at the Children's museum, got his favorite Krispy Kreme donuts, and then ate dinner at Olive Garden. He had such a fun day! It just warms my heart to see him so full of joy!

We usually watch our children's birth videos on their birthday. As we watched Tyson's tonight, I was filled with so many emotions. I remember the shock so well. I hid it on the video but I could still see it in my eyes. There were so many questions and fears. I just didn't want Tyson to ever think we didn't want him. There were so many concerns and wonders. I had dreamed of the daughter I thought I would have, so in some ways I missed "her." I was so grateful for this healthy boy but also so shocked and unsure of how to handle all of my emotions. 

I wish I could go back to the day Tyson was born and tell myself how amazing this child will be, to remind myself of God's ways and His plans for our family, and to assure myself that Tyson is exactly the baby we needed at that time. I can't imagine life without our snuggly, handsome, determined, smart, happy, sweet, gentle Tyson. My heart is full of gratitude for him. That I get to be his mommy, is just more than my heart can stand. 
Thank you, Father, for Your plans, for Your blessings, for this sweet boy, Tyson!


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