
We had a women's event tonight at church that was full of personality! Actually, it was full of "purs-on-ality!"  It was a wonderful night of fellowship and prayer. The theme of the evening involved purses. Every lady has a purse that tells a whole lot about her so, each table hostess decorated her table with "purs-on-ality." It was amazing to see all the decorated tables. No two tables were even remotely the same. It was easy to see how beautifully unique the body of Christ is. 

All the lovely ladies at my table

My "Purs-on-ality" Table
I added some purse cupcakes and lit the candles before dinner began...

Today I am thankful to be a part of such a radiant group of ladies. I was blown away by the uniqueness of each table and have a new appreciation for how different we are all. God is so creative! I am also thankful that Green Street has leadership that desires to pour into the lives of women. Our women's ministry has been growing and changing over the past couple of years but God is definitely at work and I'm so grateful to be a part of it!


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