Doers of the Word

As a church we have been learning to "Love the Word, Learn the Word, and LIVE the word." As part of this endeavor we were encouraged to participate in a Micah 6:8 assignment. Micah 6:8 says, "He has told you, O man, what is good; and what does the Lord require of you but to do justice, and to love kindness, and to walk humbly with your God?" We have been learning to be doers of the Word, not just hearers and the Micah 6:8 assignment gave us the opportunity to act on all the Word teaches us. Bryan and I decided to be doers of the Word by sharing the love of Jesus with some residents of a local nursing home. We invited our friend Melissa and her son, Shane and took the boys to the nursing home this afternoon.

Did you know that today is National Ice Cream Cone day? Apparently the ice cream cone was invented on this day in 1903. So, in honor of the amazing ice cream cone, we took ice cream and cones to share with the residents of Westchester Manor. The residents really enjoyed the ice cream but I think their favorite part of our visit was watching the children! It was precious to watch their faces light up when Dylan, Evan or Shane spoke to them or gave them a handmade card. It was a treat for everyone.

Today I am thankful for this opportunity to be doers of the Word. God wants us to love on others and shine His light openly. I'm sure our visit was a blessing to the residents because so many of them said so but it truly was a blessing to me as well. I loved watching the children bring joy to the elderly. I also loved being able to meet and share with them. There were two ladies in particular that really stole my heart. I think I'll be visiting them again very soon! I am also grateful that my boys and their friend Shane were able to participate in this ministry project. It is so good for them to be a part of sharing the love of Jesus with people of all ages! I pray that experiences like these will encourage them to always be doers of the Word!


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