As I walk down this road of life...

I really do love summer but truthfully, there is something wonderful about getting back into the routine that fall offers. One of my favorite parts of my family's "normal" routine is MOMS (mothers of many seasons). The boys and I attend MOMS every Thursday through the fall, winter, and spring. Today was our first day back and it was absolutely wonderful! Evan enjoyed his toddler class and Dylan had a great time in his homeschool class. I loved the yummy brunch and awesome fellowship. The lesson Shannon shared today was just what I needed to hear too! It was so good that I'm going to recap it for you.

We read from Luke chapter 24 today. It is  the story of Cleopas and another disciple walking on the road to Emmaus after the crucifixion and resurrection of Jesus. The disciples are distraught. They are disappointed. They really believed that Jesus was the Messiah but now He is gone and they are bereft. Jesus comes walking up beside the men and asks them what they are talking about. The men don't recognize Jesus so they begin to tell him the story. Jesus walks with them, He listens to them and then He talks to them. Luke 24:27 says, "and beginning with Moses and all the Prophets, He interpreted to them in all the Scriptures the things concerning Himself."

Can you imagine being a bystander? I would have loved to hear that conversation!! It's too bad Luke didn't include that conversation in Scripture! Maybe one day, in Heaven, we'll get to hear Jesus interpret all the Scriptures concerning Him. Until then, this lesson truly comforts me. Knowing that Jesus walks with us and listens to us, even when we don't recognize Him, is such a blessing. Even more, I love knowing that, if I listen, Jesus talks. He may not answer all my questions but He is pursing me and whispering to my soul. When I don't truly understand who He is, He doesn't get aggravated with me or roll His eyes. He cares for me, tells me who He is and comforts me.

Today I am thankful for MOMS. Oh, how I missed these ladies and messages of encouragement! I look forward to Thursday mornings every week and always leave feeling refreshed and inspired in my walk with Christ. I am also thankful for the message Shannon shared. I have encountered some disappointments recently so I needed the reminder that even though Jesus knows the entire story, He takes my feelings and concerns seriously. He walks right beside me, listening to me, caring for me, and revealing Himself to me. He knows what is coming in my life and that most of my worrying is pointless but He doesn't get tired of my questions and concerns because He loves me so much. As I walk down this road of life, He is walking beside me, listening to me, and revealing Himself to me, no matter what. Thank You, Jesus.


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