Definitely Worth Celebrating

Today was Bible Presentation Sunday at our church. All of the first graders were given their very own Bible. Our church does this in celebration of a very important milestone in a child's life. That milestone is learning to read! Being literate is taken for granted in our country, especially in our generation, because most people can read but truthfully, it is a really big deal. Being able to read is a vital part of education, almost every job, and living a productive life in today's world but its also a vital part of our Christian walk.  Reading God's Word is the way we learn who God is. Since first grade is the year in which most kids become fluent readers it is a time of celebration! By the end of the year, these students will be able to read the Word of God!

Today I am thankful for a church that sees the importance of celebrating our children. Dylan felt so special today. It blesses this momma's heart to know that there are so many people in our church family that love my children and want to celebrate the milestones in their lives. I'm also grateful that Dylan is learning to read. This morning he looked up at one of the TV screens at church and read the words, "I can be brave even when things seem impossible." It was shocking to hear him read those words. I guess our homeschool lessons are paying off. This is year that he will learn to read the Word of God! That is definitely worth celebrating!


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