"Let's Roll!"

Several months ago Dylan learned about the attacks of 9/11. It wasn't something I really wanted him to learn about at such a young age but he saw some pictures, had a lot of questions, and was told the truth.  Since first hearing about the towers, the pentagon, the tragedy, and the heroes, Dylan has been really interested in learning more and talking a lot about 9/11.  My mom found several "kid-friendly" books and he has learned a great deal about the attacks. 

Today, on the anniversary of 9/11, we spent much our homeschool time reading and discussing all that took place that day. One part of the story that Dylan hadn't previously heard was about Todd Beamer and the other heroes of Flight 93. Its a pretty heavy story but it was nicely described in his September 11th book and Dylan loved learning about these heroic men or "good guys" as he calls them. He was so impressed that they were willing to crash the plane to protect the White House and the hundreds of people that would have been injured if Flight 93 had crashed where the terrorists intended it to. Dylan has quoted Todd Beamer all day today. He keeps saying,  "Are you guys ready? Okay. Let's roll"  I see this as a great opportunity for my son to learn of real-life people willing to put others before themselves. Willing to stand up for whats right. And willing to give it all. Just like Jesus!

Today I am thankful that my son has a compassionate heart that looks for the "good guys" in all situations. I'm thankful that instead of focusing on the death and destruction of 9/11, Dylan kept pointing out who the heroes were. As soon as our school time was over he ran to his room, dressed up in his firefighter costume and pretended to be a rescue worker at ground zero. I am also grateful that even though 9/11 brought tremendous destruction, God has used it for good in many ways. As I watch my son pretend to be a hero, not a superhero but a real hero, I can see the good. 


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