Period or Polka Dot?

I was out of town last weekend but since I returned, Allison and I have been attached at the hip. We missed each other so much. Today we wore our "Bestie" shirts that Bryan got me for Mother's Day. There really couldn't be a better word to describe us. We are Besties! 

God is really good at using my kids to teach me things. My little best friend did just that this morning. She was looking at my shirt (the one that matches hers) and she pointed to the period after the word "Bestie." She asked, "What's that, Mommy?" I responded, "That's a period." She looked up joyfully and said, "No, that's a polka dot!"

Today I am grateful for those sweet little words, "No, that's a polka dot." 
There are times when it feels as if things are over or have come to an end. When you aren't sure if you heard God correctly or maybe think maybe you've missed the mark. It can feel like there's a big a period at the end of a dream or goal or relationship. This morning, right before Allison said those words, I was praying about a situation that felt like a big period had been slapped on it. I needed a different perspective, right then. I answered her simple question and her response blew me away. Immediately I knew God wanted me to reframe my thoughts. 

That thing that feels like a period in your life, is really just a polka dot.  It's just a little decoration on the masterpiece which is your life. It may not seem like it at the moment but one day, you'll look back and see that God used what seemed like a period to make the final picture even more beautiful.

Need a change in perspective? Take my Bestie's words to heart!
It's not a period, its a polka dot!


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