A Virtual Birthday...

Today is our first born's 12th birthday! We never imagined we would be celebrating his birthday during a pandemic but since that's what we're living through these days, we adapted and threw him a Virtual Birthday Party!

We hosted a ZOOM party so that Dylan could hang out with his friends!
Everyone made happy birthday signs for Dylan!

We played a few fun games including a scavenger hunt, "Would You Rather," and a Useless Trivia.

I had a lot of fun leading the kids through games.

Dylan had a Toilet Paper birthday cake! 

Everyone sang "Happy Birthday" to Dylan and then he blew out his candles.

To finish off the evening, we had a watch party with the movie, "Cats." (it's an animated film, not the musical)

Today I am grateful that we were able to celebrate Dylan's birthday even though we're living through such an odd time. Dylan couldn't have the party he hoped for but at least he was able to hang out with friends, play games, have cake, and open presents. I can't believe he is twelve years old already! Time surely is flying by. I am thankful for these weeks in quarantine which are allowing us to spend so much time together as a family.

Happy 12th Birthday, Dylan!


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