One of My Favorite Easters!

This has definitely been the oddest Easter I ever recall but I have to say, I think today was one of my favorite Resurrection Sundays! We didn't get all dressed up, attend church, or visit family for Easter dinner. We did, however, have a wonderful day as a family. 

We started the morning off with Easter Baskets

Allison loved all her goodies!

For Breakfast we made Resurrection Rolls
When they are finished cooking, and we cut them open, 
the burial cloths are empty! The marshmallow (which represents Jesus) is gone! Tyson found this especially interesting!
All the kids loved them!

Later in the day, we did communion as family! We only had cheerwine and goldfish, but it definitely worked!

It was really good to remember Jesus' sacrifice as a family
After enjoying a walk outside, some fishing, a yummy dinner, and a family movie, we ended the day with Bubble Guns! 

Today I am grateful for a wonderful Resurrection Day with my family. I would have never guessed how much I would enjoy celebrating Easter while in quarantine. In fact, I was really bummed that church was cancelled this year! The Cornonavirus may be causing a lot of chaos in our world but it didn't stop us from celebrating the resurrection of our Savior! I even to hope make a tradition out of some of the things we did today! 

This was definitely an Easter to remember! 


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