We Came Here With Nothing

We sang a beautiful song last Sunday at church. It's called "New Wine," by Hillsong. The whole song is wonderful but there is one line that I've been thinking about all week. It says,
"I came here with nothing, but all You have given me."

I believe that is a very profound thought in a short sentence. It's also been the perfect thought to ponder over the week of Thanksgiving. No matter what we have or what we've done, it is all a gift. We came to this world with nothing. Every single thing we have is a gift from our Heavenly Father. 

The family we were born into, the place we were born, and even the time in history we were born, were all handpicked by God. We were literally born with no clothing, no food, and no way to take care of ourselves on our own. 

We came here with nothing, but all HE has given us.

So, whether we have all we've dreamed of or a life that is lacking greatly, we can still be grateful. If we have something to eat, clothes to wear, or even the ability to take a deep breath, those things are still a gift.

So many people feel they are entitled to this or that. So many people are greedy with what they have and hoard everything they've been given as if no one else is as deserving as they are. I think it would be worthwhile for each of us to consider this thought that I've been pondering all week. 
None of us deserve anything. It's all a gift from HIM!

Thank you, God, for all you have given me. I came here with nothing and I deserve nothing, but you continuously come through for me, giving more than I could ever dream. Thank you!


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