An African Dress With a Whole Lot of Meaning

I bought this little outfit 20 years ago in Ouagadougou, an African village in Burkina Faso. I remember it as if it were yesterday. Walking through the market, I found this adorable outfit and just had to have it for the daughter I would have one day. 

It's so crazy to see my sweet Allison wearing it!

She wouldn't stand still for a photo but she loved dancing around in this little skirt and top!

This photo was made in Africa. I was 16 years old. I held a lot of babies on this trip because many of the women in this Nomadic tribe had never seen a white woman. They thought it would be a good luck for their babies to be held by white women.

Do you want to hear something interesting? The Mission Trip I went on, to Burkina Faso was in the summer of 1999, a little less than one month after the abortion I had in June of 1999. That sort of blows my mind. I don't recall whether or not I thought about the baby I had just aborted when I bought this little outfit, but I do remember knowing that one day, I would have a little girl to wear it. I don't believe its only a coincidence that my only daughter is able to wear this outfit exactly 20 years later. The same year God has used my story in so many big ways!

God has brought me full circle in so many ways! I honestly cannot wrap my mind around it! Today I am thankful that God is aware of every little detail of our lives. He cares about the big things, the little things, and every in between. If we keep our eyes open, we can see Him working in every area of our lives. The day I bought this little outfit, God could already see Allison wearing it and He already knew what He would do with my story! That's so amazing to me!


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