The Greatest Show on Earth

You know how folks talk about wishing on a shooting star? Those aren't stars! Stars don't shoot! I've learned this week that those beautiful things racing across the sky are meteors (which is just a big ol' chunk of rock). Only God could make rock look that good, huh??!!!

The Perseid Meteor Shower happens every year around this time. I've never heard of it before but I will not be forgetting it anytime soon! This year's meteor shower was supposed to be extra stunning because of the location of the moon and how dark the sky would be. The shower occurs annually beginning in July and the peak is always the middle of August. During the peak, the rate of meteors can be up to 60 per hour. Bryan and I have never watched a meteor shower before but after reading about this one in the news, we decided to stay up late a few nights and watch the shower. 

The first night we couldn't stay out long but right before we came inside, we saw a gorgeous white streak shoot across the sky. It was incredible. Seeing it made us super excited about spending more time outside the next night. 

The second night, we stayed up really late and laid in our hammock covered up with blankets with our dog, Max. I don't know how long we were out there but it was beautiful. The sky was black, the stars were twinkling, and every now and then an enormous meteor would shoot across the sky. Each one was different. Sometimes they were really bright and left magnificent tails behind them. Other times they were just quick flashes across the sky with no tails at all. We saw probably 6 or 7 meteors that night. Just laying there together, waiting on one to dart across the sky was so relaxing!

The third night, we went out even later because the best time is supposed to be around 3:00am (we couldn't wait until then though, we would have turned into pumpkins for sure!) At first we didn't see many meteors because of the cloud cover but after a while, they started lighting up all over the sky again! It was breath-taking! I didn't want to come inside but with three little kids that wake up bright and early, we couldn't stay out there all night!

Today I am thankful for the Perseid Meteor Shower. I don't have any idea why this meteor shower occurs or what the purpose of a meteor is at all BUT, I do know (now) that meteor showers are exquisite! I'm not sure why these beauties shoot across the sky in every direction but if I had to guess, I think God is showing off His skills! It might be one of the greatest shows on Earth! There is nothing quite like it! I am also grateful for such sweet memories with my hubby. Although we had to stay up super late, it was so wonderful to spend some time, just the two of us (and the dog!) in the hammock, snuggled up, talking and watching the night sky! I have already marked my calendar for next year's Perseid Meteor Shower! I can't wait to snuggle with my fella and watch the show again!

 to see a time lapse video of the shower


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