He gave me a daughter!

Almost a week ago Bryan and I went to an amazing Christian concert. It was a wonderful time of praise and worship! As part of the event, Compassion International shared the opportunity to sponsor a child in need. This always touches my heart because we sponsored a child named Ever Rolando several years ago and still enjoy being a part of his life. He has the same birthday as Dylan, which is always neat for our family! 

Throughout the night I felt God nudging me to do something valuable with the money I've been earning with KEEP. So, I decided to sponsor a child with Compassion International. Guess what, God allowed me to sponsor a little girl! Her name is Rose and she lives in Uganda. She is 6 years old. I was already touched by the thought having a little girl in my life, even if it I may never actually meet her but then, Bryan told me something that made my heart overflow. As he was reading the information on the back of Rose's card he said, "She lives in Uganda with her father. She is one of three children. Tori, she doesn't have a mom!" 

Now I know this may seem pretty typical or not all that significant to most people but it absolutely blew my mind. God has blessed me with a little girl that needs a mom! And He blessed her with a lady that needs a daughter! 

When we were surprised by Tyson's gender during his birth, I was in complete shock! We had painted everything pink and purple and gotten so excited to have a little girl. So when a boy came out instead, it was an adjustment. Don't get me wrong, I love Tyson to pieces! I wouldn't trade him for anything. But, there is a little part of me that still wants a girl, someday, somehow. I may never get to braid her hair or paint her fingernails, but God blessed with me a little girl named, Rose. 

Today, as I've thought about Rose, I am just been so grateful for the opportunity to sponsor her through Compassion International. She will now have access to three meals per day, the medications and vitamins she needs, fresh water, clothing and an education. Most importantly, someone will share the gospel with Rose and her family! I am thankful for such an amazing ministry and the ways it is helping so many children! I am also grateful that my Heavenly Father worked it out that I (me, the mom without any daughters) could be handed the information for a little girl that doesn't have a mom! Only God could orchestrate that! Oh, He is so good!


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