"Mommy Pirate" gets a pedicure...

I had planned on starting our school work this week but after looking at my boys and realizing how much they have changed over the past few months and thinking about how fast the summer has flown by, I decided to spend the rest of the week just being with them. Other than a few errands and such, I will be enjoying just being Mommy for the rest of the week. Next week, I'll be teacher too.

At Dylan and Evan's request, we spent the entire morning in the playroom. I was dressed as "Mommy Pirate" and instructed on how to guard the booty. I never knew it would be so much fun to sit behind the cushions of the couch with "Henry Morgan" (which is Tyson's pirate name) and "Scurvy Dog" (Max). We were bombarded by cannons from the enemy but we made it out alive. 

This little sweetie likes to take
the books out of the basket
and sit inside of it! 
 When I was pregnant with Tyson I couldn't reach my toes so I let Dylan and Evan paint my toenails. They remembered doing that for me so they asked to paint them again. Well, I couldn't pass up the offer because I've been needing a pedicure (hahaha!) They had a lot of fun picking out "girly" colors for me and adding some glitter. They often feel bad for me since I don't have any little girls, so they really tried to make my toes look nice! They are just so precious!

Yes, this is Evan's finished work. He was so proud!
Today I am thankful for an entire day just being with my boys. I spend every day, all day,  with them but still, life is hectic and busy and crazy and before I know it, it's bed time and I haven't savored the moments. I am grateful for a day with no TV, no computer, and very little phone! I am grateful for an exciting time aboard the pirate ship and for really, really painted toes. (Don't worry, I cleaned them up some but now I really need a pedicure!) Today I am thankful for sweet moments with my littles. They are growing up so fast. It's important to take some time to just sit in room covered in toys and do whatever they want to do. It's actually pretty awesome to sit and listen to them talk and create stories and use their imaginations. It makes me realize that God has outdone Himself with children...they are amazing (not just mine, I'm sure yours are too!) No wonder Jesus loved children! I'm looking forward to spending more time this week just sitting with my pirate hat and my sword. Hopefully they won't think I need a haircut!


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