Selfless Love...what's that?

Now and then I have something that I just can't get off of my mind. I'll think and think until finally I'm about to burst. Lately, I've been thinking a lot about selfless love. What does that really mean?? I know God loves us like that but it's hard for me to really wrap my mind around because people rarely love that they? 

I've been noticing lately how selfish many of us are. I know that probably offends someone, but it's true. Just think about it for a moment. Do you know someone who cares more about having "me" time than helping out a friend? Do you know someone who will help you if you ask but they do it so reluctantly that you wish you hadn't even asked them? Do you know someone who you would skip right over in your contact list if you needed help because you know they would have a bad attitude about it? Do you know someone that is so concerned with what they have going on that they are clueless to what everyone else is dealing with? Do you know someone that would let someone else go to the appointment alone or because they're too busy? Do you know someone who will never return your text or phone call because they work too much and don't have time? Do you know someone that never wants to go a party or event because it's boring to them, or it takes time away from their afternoon? I could seriously fill up this page with examples of this and most of these are actual experiences I've had with others, and sometimes myself. 

Now, turn the coin. Do you know someone who goes out of their way to help others? Do you know someone who is aware of the issues going in the lives of those around them? Do you know someone that is eager to be there for you and you know you could call on them? Do you know someone who you can ask to pray for you and you know they will? Do you know someone that could be dealing with something major in their own lives but would still take time to love on you? Do you know someone that tries their best to return every email, text, and call? Do you know someone who makes you feel important and loved? Do you know someone who is genuinely happy to babysit your kids or pick you up from the airport just because they care about you? Do you know someone that you can honestly say enjoys celebrating your family's birthdays, successes, etc? Do you know someone that you could call in the middle of the night and they wouldn't be angry that you woke them up? Do you know someone that is willing to be there for you, no matter what?

As I raise my boys, I am constantly observing the behaviors of others (and myself) and wondering, "Do I want my boys to be that way when they grow up?" You don't have to turn on the news for long to realize that people today feel entitled to their rights, their opinions, their space, their time. I worry that today's kids will grow up only caring about themselves and what they believe they are entitled to. I don't want that for my boys! I want them to put others first, even when its inconvenient. I want them to willing to get up in the middle of the night for a friend in need or to put down the video game because their brother needs to chat. I want them to be the type of people that others know they can count on because of their willingness to go the extra mile. I want to them to be servants, even if they'd rather be doing something else. 
I want them to be like Jesus. 

Jesus says in Mark 12 that we should love our neighbor as ourselves. I'n no theologian but I think He's saying, "You should care as much about others as you care about yourselves. Treat others the way you want to be treated!" WOAH.....we've been hearing that since we were toddlers but how many of us actually do it? What if we taught our kids how to live like that? What if we modeled that type of kindness for the next generation? What if we stopped caring so much about our time on the computer or how tired we are or what we wanted to buy with that money and actually started using our resources to love on others instead of ourselves? 

Don't get me wrong. I'm not saying we shouldn't take care of ourselves. We all need to make sure we have enough rest and spend enough with time alone with God and with our families. And, from time to time, we need to be willing to accept help from others because God wants to use them in our lives too. I'm not saying we should never think of ourselves....Jesus didn't say hate yourself, He said love your neighbor as yourself! So when your child is up all night because of a tummy ache or your grandmother is the nursing home or a friend has a flat tire, I think we should love on them the way we hope someone will love on us when we need it.

Today I am thankful for the challenge that God has placed on my heart. I just keep thinking, do others know they can come to me and I'll show them grace and love? Or do they worry over coming to me because they know I'll be reluctant to give up my time? Do I live the way I hope my boys will live? Do I love my neighbor as myself, even when it's inconvenient? Do I love selflessly?Those are hard questions but sometimes those are the best kind. I am grateful that God never stops growing us and molding us into the people He created us to be!


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