I'm not going to live my life just to live it....

Today has been very exciting for our little family! The boys have been so happy about all this snow! We have over 9 inches! That is unheard of in this area! I honestly don't remember it ever snowing quite this. The boys had a blast sledding, throwing snowballs, and building a snowman. This was their very first snowman! We've never had enough snow to actually build a snowman before. I wouldn't be surprised if we end up building another one tomorrow!
My boys and their snowman!
This afternoon one of our neighbors decided to brave the roads and drive somewhere. She got about about 50 feet before getting stuck in the snow and ice. We noticed what was going on outside the front door because there was a crowd gathered around the car. They were trying to shovel the snow from around the tires. Dylan was busy making Valentine cards when he decided that he just had to go outside and help. He was adamant about it. About that same time a snowplow showed up and scrapped just enough of the road for our neighbor to back down the street back into her driveway. I honestly have no idea where that snowplow came from and it disappeared as quickly as it appeared. It was a like a gift from God for our neighbor!

Dylan didn't get to help the stuck car and he wasn't happy it about it. He wanted so badly to be helpful! He said very matter-of-factly, "I'm not going to live my life just to live it and die. I'm going to live it to help people and help Jesus!" I'm not joking. He really said that without any prompting. Bryan heard it too. My chin nearly hit the floor. What 5 year old talks like that? What a sweet spirit he has! I pray that he will always desire to serve others and be the hands and feet of Jesus! I hope he never looks back over his life and regrets "just living." May he always live his life to help people! Oh, the things God can do with a life that is so eager to be used by Him!

The craziness going on outside our front door.
This plow must have been sent by God!
Today I am thankful for all this snow! It was so much fun for my little guys to play in! I remember playing in the snow as a child in this very same yard. It is really neat to watch my children enjoy playing here too! I am also grateful for Dylan's amazing comment. It's given me so much to think about! I don't want to live my life just to live it either. I want God to use me, just like Dylan does! I am touched by the words that come out of the mouth of my five year old often but today, I was really amazed! What better way to begin your life than with a desire to help others and be to be Jesus' helper! I am so thankful to be this little guy's mommy! I cannot wait to see what God has in store for him!


  1. What a blessing your boys are..to you and bryan and your whole family..God is soo good and faithful and loving Him is all we need. Your blog is encouraging and uplifting..i look forward to reading what your loving family do and how you just live to bring honour and glory to our wonderful God. I pray for your safe delivery of your baby and look forward to reading of your blessed and good news soon. Love from your sister in Christ and love to your family Chris xxx


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