An open field...

Today was pretty nice out. Still chilly but pretty nice. This afternoon we went to the park for a little bit. The boys played on the swings and the slide for a while but their favorite part of the park was the open field nearby. They ran and ran as Bryan and I just watched them. Then they started rolling down the hill. It was hilarious. Dylan figured out how to do it pretty well but Evan was basically doing sideways, half cartwheels. He said, "ouch" after every flip. It was so much fun to watch them. Who knew that an open field could be more fun than than a very expensive playground set.

Today I am thankful for the wide open spaces that God created for us to enjoy. It must bring joy to His heart to watch his little children enjoying the simplicity of a wide open field. Its definitely nice to see them having fun in nature instead of just being mesmerized by the TV, Leap Pads, or one of our cell phones. I am also grateful for a "warm enough" afternoon to spend at the park with my family.



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