My little helpers....

Today has been a much better day. I'm still wearing the temporary spinal cord stimulator and I continue to deal with a lot of pain but, I'm doing better. I actually really like the stimulation and it is helping my "normal" back pain which is awesome! Wearing this stimulator makes doing lots of things somewhat difficult. I've needed quite a bit of help the past few days. Thankfully, I have two little guys who are eager to help! Evan has been climbing everywhere so I don't have to pick him up, picking things up for me, and bringing me the things I need. Dylan has been helping take care of Evan, bringing me drinks, helping with the dishes, and even helping me walk a few times. Tonight I realized that my toenails looked pretty bad and apparently I said something about needing my toenails painted but not being able to bend over to do it.  Suddenly, I had two very excited boys ready to give me a make-shift pedicure!

This pedicure involved a lot of tickling and some squealing. I ended up with multiple colors all over my toenails, toes, and even the tops of my feet. I'm not sure anyone would actually pay for this pedicure but it was priceless to me! 

Here's some pink and some purple....
Here Mommy, you need some on the top of your foot too!
The final product....

Today I am thankful for my little helpers. Honestly, they are both always eager to help me but these past few days I've been able to truly see how kind and compassionate my boys really are. I'm praying they will always be so willing to take care of others. I am also thankful to be feeling some better. While I still need to take it easy, I feel tons better than I did earlier this week. I have had a lot of people praying for me and I believe God has been answering those prayers. I know He has been comforting me today. 


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