Have you thanked God for your eyes today?

I saw this picture on Facebook the other day and I've been thinking of it since. Its a simple question really, but its one that most of us need to ask ourselves. I have to say, I don't often thank God for my eyes or for the other millions of things my body does every day that I don't even realize are a blessing. My heart beating, my blood flowing, my ears making sense of the noise around me, my nerves sending signals, my limbs working properly, my digestive system breaking down food, my hormones being balanced, etc. I could go on and on. Our bodies are absolutely amazing and we rarely realize it. My body does so many things that I take for granted on a daily basis. If even one of those things stopped working properly, I would notice it right away. God blesses me abundantly moment by moment by sustaining my body. Why don't I notice that right away?

Today I am thankful for my eyes. I am thankful for my ears. I am thankful for all of my senses, all of the systems at work within my body, and for the ability to breathe. I am thankful that my heart is beating, my brain is working, and I am able to sit here and type with my fingers. I am thankful that my memory hasn't failed me, I can use my legs to walk, and I can smell a burning candle. I'm grateful that God gives me life each and every day. 


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