Gathering together....

Since Evan got his big boy toddler bed, we have started teaching him to kneel beside his bed to say his bedtime prayers. It is absolutely adorable to watch him fold his little hands and get down on his knees. Tonight, as we were cleaning up and getting the boys ready for bed, Dylan asked if he could say his bedtime prayers with his brother. Well, of course! Anytime my babies want to pray together, I'm gonna let them! So a few minutes later we all huddled beside Evan's toddler bed on our knees. Evan said his "prayers" first and then it was Dylan's turn. It was precious to hear them praying together. It truly warmed this Mommy's heart!

Matthew 18:20 says, "For where two or three are gathered in my name, there am I among them." I feel certain that God was with us as Bryan and I gathered by Evan's bedside with our two sons. If listening to these sweet boys pray brought me joy, it must have been enormously pleasing to our Heavenly Father. Today I am thankful my youngest child is learning to talk to our Lord. I pray that as he grows he will love praying and do it often. I am also thankful that my boys enjoyed praying together. I loved hearing them pray and seeing them give one another a goodnight hug. Anytime they'd like to gather together and pray, I will gladly encourage it! 


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