Leaf Litter...

Have you ever heard of leaf litter?  Well, me either. At least, not until our science lessons this week. Dylan, Evan and I had so much fun today. We searched and found leaf litter, gathered some, shook it up, and sorted through it. This was the first of many Exploration Fridays! 

For those of you who are just learning about leaf litter, (just like me) it is the accumulation of leaves, twigs, bugs, humus, rocks, sand, dirt, and bark that gathers around trees.  Leaf litter helps to maintain healthy soil and helps plants get the nutrients they need. It is also the food and shelter for many insects. 

Dylan really enjoyed sorting through the leaf litter. He loves any chance to use his magnifying glass! He discovered all sorts of neat stuff in that big pile. It was really neat for all of us to see that so much is going on in that pile of seemingly lifeless dirt and leaves.

Collecting the leaf litter
Shaking it up!
What's in there?
Taking notes....like every good scientists does
Dylan's notes...
It says, "ant, sticks, leaves, bark, humus, bugs, seeds. A lot of stuff is in the leaf litter."

Today I am thankful for Exploration Fridays! This is a new part of our homeschool curriculum and its right up a 5 year old boy's alley, let me tell you! The boys and I had so much fun exploring outside! I am also grateful for leaf litter. I know that sounds silly but its truly amazing! There is so much going on in those piles of stuff that surround trees. I was shocked to see how complex it is. It made me think, we are completely clueless to so much that is going on all around us. This world that God created is astounding! He has every detail taken care of! We take so much for granted.


  1. Fun! Love those notes - the pics and the words. Very thorough, little Mr. scientist!


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