The Potty Dance!

Believe it or not, my 20 month old son pee-pee'd and poo-poo'd in the potty this morning! The best part is that he told me he had to go. At first I had no idea what he was saying. I finally figured it out when he went and sat on his little Elmo potty. He wanted a book to read while he sat. It took him a while and he made a bit of a mess but he did it! I had one amazing cheerleader too! Dylan was SOOOO proud of him. He could barely contain his excitement. The big event was followed by the entire family doing the potty dance! In case you've never heard or seen the potty dance, you must check out this video... 

Today I am thankful that my little guy is interested in the potty and had success today! I couldn't believe it when he wanted to go potty!  He had a few "false alarms" throughout the day and one attempt that ended with me stepping in something very unpleasant but I'm going to stay focus on the success! I am also grateful that Dylan is so supportive of his little brother. I sometimes worry that Dylan will be jealous of the attention we have to give Evan (since he is younger and needs help with everything) but he is always his brother's biggest fan! Oh, and I can't forget the potty dance! I am also thankful for the potty dance. Dylan loved it when he was potty training and Evan seems love it too! 



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