No better way to start a vacation!

My sweet little angel, Evan, woke up at 3:30 am. He normally sleeps all night and if even if does wake up, he usually goes right back to sleep on his own. Well, we spent our first night in Virginia Beach last night so when he woke up and remembered that he was in a strange place, he decided to stay awake. Bryan and I both got up with him but he looked at Bryan and said, "go to bed!" So, Bryan went to bed and I brought Evan into the living room of our condo. After rocking, patting, giving him milk, and doing everything I could think of, I turned on his favorite DVD, "Meet the Colors." He finally settled down and did end up going back to sleep, at about 5:20 am. 

Yes, this is how happy my child was at 3:30 am
Finally settling down some. Thank You Lord for "Meet the Colors"
Instead of going back to bed, I decided to stay up and watch the sunrise. I took a blanket and my Bible out on our oceanfront balcony and sat in awe of the sunrise. I listened to some worship songs on my computer while the sun climbed higher and higher in the sky. I enjoyed every second of it. 

After the sun had risen, I looked up "sunrise" in the index of my Bible. I found a few passages and read them. When I read 2 Samuel 23:4-5, I felt as if God was speaking right to me. It says, "he is like the light of morning at sunrise on a cloudless morning, like the brightness after rain that brings grass from the earth. If my house were not right with God, surely he would not have made with me an everlasting covenant, arranged and secured in every part, surely he would not bring to fruition my salvation and grant me my every desire." I felt as if God was reassuring me of His power. The power to raise up the sun each morning and His power in my life. I can be sure that He hasn't forgotten me. He will bring to fruition my salvation and grant me the desires of my heart.  He has it all arranged and secured in every part. There is no need to worry! Is there any better way to start a vacation?

Today I am thankful that I was awake for the sunrise this morning. It was the perfect way to start our vacation. Don't get me wrong, I don't hope Evan wakes up at 3:30am again, but I am so thankful to have seen the sunrise today. I am also grateful for a sweet word from my Lord. I have been in prayer about several things, for a long time now so I really appreciate reading these words of assurance. If we are willing, God will speak to us. He may do it through His Word, through a song, through a friend, or even through a breath-taking sunrise. I don't care which way He chooses to do it, I just love hearing from Him!



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