Freedom changes everything!

Like most folks, there are some things from my past that I am not at all proud of. Even though I've asked for forgiveness tons of times, it wasn't until recently that I truly understood the magnitude of God's forgiveness. God sent a special friend in my life and allowed for some very specific events to occur that have taught me so much. I finally have freedom and there is nothing sweeter. 

Until now I have always thought, "well, God may forgive me but I don't forgive myself." I know I'm not the only one who has thought that. I heard someone discuss this issue of forgiving yourself a few months ago and she bluntly said, "who do you think you are? If our all powerful God, the One you sinned against,  can forgive you then surely you can forgive yourself!" I have been holding onto past sins and allowing guilt and shame to invade my life when the One I sinned against sees me as redeemed. What good comes from that?

I think its because I've considered those sins worse than the "normal sins" that get so easily overlooked. I guess its part of our human nature to assign numbers to sins. We make little white lies a 1, cheating or stealing a 5, murder a 10 and so on. But what if we could start over and see sin the way God does? What if we could truly understand that we are all sinners. What if we stopped pointing fingers at everyone else and really took ownership of our own sin? The truth is, we all sin, every day. None of us are better than anyone else. The "big" sins of our past are no worse than the little white lies we tell our bosses or the law we break by speeding or the judgmental thoughts we have towards our peers. When I consider this truth, in comparison to the magnitude of God's forgiveness, it changes everything. I am a sinner everyday. I am in need of a Savior everyday. But God's grace and mercy go backwards and forwards in the timeline of my life, regardless of the sin. My victory, my freedom, is found in the blood of Jesus! Hallelujah!

I love a current song by Matthew West called, "Hello, my name is..." This song gives music to the way I feel now. I have lived with regret and shame for so long but now, I am free. 

"I am no longer defined by the wreckage behind. The One who makes all things new has proven its true. Just take a look at my life"

Today I am thankful for God's forgiveness. The freedom I feel, after truly accepting that forgiveness, is life altering. This is why God sent His Son, He wants us to experience this freedom. He wants us to understand that we are all sinners and in desperate need of Jesus. When we truly understand this and truly accept forgiveness, it changes everything. We won't be so critical of others and we will be more willing to be used of God to point others to Him. I am thankful for the friend God has used in my life to teach me so much about freedom. He is constantly at work, using those who are willing. I am also grateful that I am no longer defined by my past, by shame or regret. I am a child of the One True King! I am forgiven, set free! 

There is Freedom in Christ and it changes everything!



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