Fun in the Sun!

My little family spent all morning at the ocean! The boys absolutely loved playing in the sand and building a a fort with their daddy. I enjoyed relaxing, talking to my mom and trying to keep Evan from destroying the fort. Virginia Beach is surprisingly breezy so it hasn't been too hot. We were able to spend several hours in the sand without the boys getting antsy. In fact, I think they would have stayed out there all day! In the past, Dylan was afraid of the enormity of the ocean but this year, he loves it! Evan is still a little intimidated by it but he got more comfortable as time went by.

We're ready for the beach!
Isn't it beautiful?!
My fellas enjoy the beach!
Look at that grin!
Nana and Evan had a terrific time together!
Here is the fort! They did a pretty good job, huh?

Today I am thankful for the "fun in the sun" my family experienced today. So far, this trip has been an absolute blast and our time at the ocean today was wonderful! I am also thankful for the ocean itself. Its easy to overlook how amazing the ocean is but today as I sat in the sand observing the waves, I was in awe of it. How in the world does God manage those waves? And what about the tides, the currents, all of the amazing ocean life, the coral, the shells, the sand, and not to mention how the weather affects it all. It just amazes me! We usually visit the beach every couple of years and each time, I am enthralled by the ocean and the One who created it!



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