Standing in Wet Cement!

We have had a fun-filled weekend with family and friends! Friday night we had dinner with my parents, Saturday we attended two birthday parties for two of Dylan and Evan's friends, and today we went to lunch with some of our friends from church. Dylan also got to go a friend's house this afternoon to play.  We have had such a great time with these special people in our lives!

I love the quote that says, "Friendship is like standing on wet cement. The longer you stay, the harder it is leave, and you can never go without leaving your footprints behind."  It is incredibly true that friends have a lasting impact on us, regardless of how old we are. Friends are definitely precious gifts from God!

Today I am thankful for friendship. Not only did my boys get to spend time with their friends this weekend, but I did also (since their friend's mommies are my friends). I truly enjoy spending time with friends and family! Its one of my favorite things to do! I am also grateful that even at such a young age, my sweet little guys have buddies to play with and learn from.  I'm thankful that there are children "standing in wet cement" with my boys! I pray that they will leave valuable footprints on each other's lives!



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