Rise Up and Call her Blessed

"Her children rise up and call her blessed." Proverbs 31:28a

We celebrated my mom's birthday this evening with a birthday dinner. This house was full of little boys! You can probably almost hear the noise and excitement. It really was a fun night. I think my mom enjoyed having all of her grandchildren together. We all enjoyed celebrating my mom!

My Mom and all her grandsons
My mom with Dylan. This is the special canvas we made
for her birthday.

My mom with Evan and Breaker (16 months and almost 4 months)

My mom with Baby Breaker
Today, on my mom's birthday, I am thankful to have such a lovely mother. The older I get the more I appreciate all she has done for me over the years. And I'll even admit it, from time to time, I find myself talking and acting just like her! Proverbs 31:28a says "Her children rise up and call her blessed." Its kind of funny but I wonder if "rise up" means once the children have grown up they finally realize how wonderful their mother really is and "bless" her. Now that I am a mother, I realize that motherhood is hard work. Its full of amazing gifts and an indescribable love but it isn't always easy. Thank you Mom, for being such an amazing mom to your children. Thank you for being you!


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