Going outside of my comfort zone...

I was blessed with the opportunity to be the speaker at MOMS today. I felt so honored and humbled to be asked to share with the group but this is was totally out of my comfort zone! I taught elementary school for 5 years so talking to children is a breeze for me, but speaking in front of over 75 adults is another story entirely! I've been preparing for this day for months now but no matter how much I prepared, I was very nervous! I was absolutely certain that God wanted me to do this but certainty doesn't erase difficulty! I have to say though, I wasn't nearly as anxious as I anticipated being. God gave me His peace today, that's for sure!

Me with some of my MOMS friends and my real Mom---I love these ladies!

I shared Joseph's story and discussed God's sovereignty.  There were some laughs and almost a tear or two but overall, I think it went pretty well. Today I am thankful that I stepped outside of my comfort zone, shared with the ladies of MOMS and had such an good experience! I am also thankful for the many people praying for me today. Those prayers were answered! The Holy Spirit was present at MOMS today and He got me through my first time speaking in front of such large group. I am grateful for such an amazing opportunity! 


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