We'd be Held

It has been said that "The quality of your life is the quality of your relationships" (A. Robbins). For most people, that quote is very truthful. When our relationships are broken and strained, our lives are usually greatly affected. The people in our lives and the way they treat us have an enormous impact on the quality of our lives. 

Someone very close to me is currently dealing with a broken relationship. She has cared for and loved this person for years and years but this relationship is in a very rocky place right now. As I listened to her to talk today about the pain she is experiencing, my heart was breaking. I have felt this type of hurt before and I could easily relate. When those who are closest to us turn on us, it is painful!

While driving in my car later this afternoon, I heard a song that I hadn't heard in a while. While listening to it, I quickly thought of this broken relationship. The chorus of Natalie Grant's song "Held" says:

"This is what it means to be held
How it feels, when the sacred is torn from your life
And you survive
This is what it is to be loved and to know
That the promise was when everything fell
We'd be held"

The words of this song remind us that life is not easy. We are going to experience difficulties like damaged relationships. BUT even when the sacred is torn from our lives and everything feels like it has fallen apart, its then that we are held. Held by the hands that placed each star in the sky. Held by the One that created the highest mountain peak and the lowest valley. Held by the One who created our complex bodies and allows each breath to enter it. Held by the One who is able to hear and answer the prayers of millions and millions of people simultaniously. Held by the One who knows us more intimately than anyone else and still chooses to love us. 

As tears rolled down my face, listening to this song, praying for this special person in my life, I couldn't help but wish she could hear the same song. I long for her to know that even though it hurts so much right now, this is a time when she can rest in knowing that God is holding her, helping her through this. He understands and He comforts. Even though she has been hurt by another person, if she leans on her Father in Heaven, this difficult time has the potential to make the most important relationship in her life grow in wonderful ways as she experiences Him holding her.

Today I am thankful that our God is compassionate and caring. I am grateful that He pursues us and gives us His peace. I am thankful that when other people have broken our hearts, He knows exactly how to mend it. 


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