A New Perspective

I've been a part of an outstanding Bible Study for the past couple of weeks. "Mercy Triumphs" by  Beth Moore is a study of the book of James. Today we discussed suffering. In the fifth book of James, Job is referred to as one of the best examples of how we should respond to suffering. For those of you who do not know much about Job, he was a man of God who lived a righteous life. He suffered the loss of all of his wealth, his physical health and his children. He suffered through more than most people ever imagine. The most astonishing thing about this story is that God made Satan aware of Job. In the first book of Job, God calls Job a servant, blameless and upright, and a man who fears God. So, when Satan was looking for someone to "mess" with, God said "Have you considered my servant, Job?"

Wow, that's crazy? Why would God pick such a humble, righteous, God-fearing man to lose everything, to suffer so greatly? Beth Moore suggest that God chose him because these trials are able to prove what God already knows is true. The Lord was able to boast in Job because of the way he handled the suffering. He is able to boast in us as well.

"The Lord does not put us to tests that He knows in advance we don't have the wherewithal to pass. He boasts in His faithful followers then lets them prove Him right. Sometimes the person most shocked by the proof is the human put to the test. How will we ever know what He has accomplished in us if He doesn't show us? And how will Satan otherwise be proved a liar in our eyes?" -Moore

Although Job suffered in so many horrible ways, he grew in his relationship with God because of his experiences. Job 42 he says, "My ears had heard of you but now my eyes have seen you." God revealed himself to Job through these difficulties and because Job was faithful and never lost hope in God, he was blessed more in the latter part of his life than he was in the first part. 

What an amazing thought! God allows suffering in our lives because He knows what we can handle, how we will react, and when/if He will receive glory. God chooses us to go through specific things because when we prove Him right, He is able to boast in us. Nobody wants to go through difficult times but there is really no greater compliment than for God to say, "Have you seen my servant, ____________." 

Today I am thankful for this new perspective on suffering. I am amazed at the thought that God has allowed what I am currently dealing with because this trial can show what He has accomplished in me, thus far. We all deal with suffering and no one really likes it but if God is able to boast in me because of it, I'll take it. 


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