Celebrating Friends...

I spent most of this weekend celebrating Lydia's marriage to her new husband, Cory. Lydia was my best friend all through high school, she introduced Bryan and I, and she was a bridesmaid in our wedding. So, of course, I was very excited about her special day! We had a terrific Bridesmaid's Luncheon on Friday afternoon and a nice rehearsal and rehearsal dinner that evening. Saturday was filled with excitement! She walked down the isle at 5pm followed by a lovely reception dinner. Overall, the weekend was a lot of fun. I absolutely loved seeing how happy my sweet friend is.

 Me and Lydia at the reception

High School Chicas

Me and my hot date!

Today I am thankful for life long friendships. Although Lydia and I aren't attached at the hip like we were in high school, we are still good friends. I am also grateful for fun times to celebrate those who are special in our lives.


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