Exactly where He wants me!

"Blessed is the man who trusts in the LORD, and whose hope is the LORD." Jeremiah 17:7

I had my follow up appointment with my neurosurgeon today. Although my emotions have endured quite a roller coaster, overall, the appointment went really well. I found out that I DO NOT have to have spinal fusion again!!! I was extremely grateful to hear this news while feeling a little bumbed because I had grown to like the idea of possibly getting rid of the pain I'm in. In the past my doctor has been fairly indifferent about my pain but today he seemed to have genuine concern for me. So, since the fusion has healed correctly and he cannot surgically help me anymore, he has decided to refer me to Duke. I have previously been successfully treated by pain management experts there so, this is really good news. During the consultation with the doctor, he said that he had to send me back to work because he didn't have proof in a test to explain why I couldn't work but by the time we left the office, he had changed his mind and is keeping me out of work until I have had the opportunity to meet with my new doctor at Duke. 

I can see God ALL OVER this appointment! Even though I had every reason to be nervous, I was at peace through out the entire appointment. I do not have to go through that horrible surgery again. My doctor had compassion for me, which I have been praying for specifically. He referred me to a doctor who has helped me in the past and who works for one of the best medical centers in the world. He had his mind set on my returning to work but changed his mind mysteriously at some point while walking from the examination room to the check-out desk. He also prescribed medications to help me deal with the pain, which says a lot because he hasn't prescribed anything in over a year! 

In some ways I feel like I'm back at square one, being in so much pain, going to a new doctor, etc. But after seeing how God worked in this appointment today, I feel like I am exactly where He wants me! He never ceases to amaze me! I am so thankful for the ability to see God at work in my situation. The past (almost) 3 years have been painful and frustrating at times but I would endure it all over again just to see Him so clearly. He gives purpose to my suffering and brings joy in my pain.

Precious Father, thank You for caring about the details of my life, for giving me Your peace today, and allowing me to see You at work. Thank you for the promise in Jeremiah 17:7, if we put our trust and hope in You we will be blessed.  I don't know what you have in store for me and my family but I  place my trust and my hope in You alone. I can't wait to see where You are leading us! In Your Son's Holy Name, Amen


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