Taste and see...

Psalm 34:8 - Taste and see that the LORD is good; blessed is the one who takes refuge in him.

For the past month or so, my employer has been trying to end my worker's compensation wages even though my doctor does not believe I am able to do my job because of my back pain. Bryan and I have been praying over this issue for weeks and we decided together that we would not worry about it. We decided that we would take refuge in our Lord and trust that He knows what is best for our family. Today we recieved news from my attorney that the appeal we made was successful and we will continue to recieve benefits!

God is so good! Psalm 34:8 is a wonderful promise to us as believers. If we trust in the Lord, put our refuge in Him, believe that He is capable....we will see, taste, hear, and feel that He Is Good!

Today I am thankful for so many reminders lately that God is good. He is soveriegn and able! I am so grateful to have such an awesome God to put my hope in!


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