God can use anything!

Today while at the OB doctor, I overheard a horrible telephone conversation between a nurse and a patient. The nurse was telling the patient that she had been trying to get in touch with her for days because there is something terribly wrong with her pregnancy. She told her that she needed to come in immediately for blood work. The results of the blood work and an ultrasound would either confirm or rule out an ectopic pregnancy. An ectopic pregnancy occurs when an embryo implants outside of the uterus. Most of the time this occurs in a fallopian tube but it can also implant in the cervix or abdomen. When this occurs it is a medical emergency because of the possibility of internal hemorrhaging. It can even lead to death.

As I listened to this phone call, my heart begin to break for the mother on the phone. I can't imagine getting that phone call. I know I probably shouldn't have been listening as the nurse talked but I'm sort of glad I did. Over hearing this news made me so grateful for my current situation. The past week or two I've been feeling VERY pregnant and starting to get frustrated. I've been  so ready for Evan to arrive that I've forgotten to embrace the last few weeks of the miracle that is occurring inside my body. God truly used that conversation to remind me of my blessings. He can use anything, can't He?!

Today I am thankful that I have had such a healthy pregnancy. I am so grateful that I was able to overhear that phone call today. It was the perfect reminder for me. This pregnancy is such a blessing, even when I'm miserable due to back pain and I've been having contractions for hours that aren't getting any stronger. Regardless of how uncomfortable I might be, I am so glad that I have had the honor of carrying one of God's children.


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