The Gospel

The Gospel is THE GOOD NEWS! The news of Jesus' death, burial, and resurrection. To me, its the best news I've ever heard. Without this good news there is no hope, no eternal life, no living life abundantly. Without Jesus' death on the cross, we are all destined for hell because we are ALL sinners. Because of his resurrection, those who believe are given a new life, forgiveness, hope for the future, and eternal life. What a magnificent gift!

The Gospel is taken for granted by believers and non-believers alike. We either don't realize or forget how desperate we are for a Savior. If we truly cherish the Gospel, it will be evident in our lives. There are a many people who know all about the Gospel but do not center their lives around it. Its sad to me that this GREAT news is so easily "swept under the rug" and forgotten.

Today I am thankful for the Gospel. I am alive in Christ!  He lives! My sins are forgiven! I can spend eternity with Him!

Its really good news!


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