No Place I'd Rather Live

I was listening to the radio on the 4th of July and I heard someone say, "Even with the state of our country, there is still no place I'd rather live!" I've been thinking about that statement for the past 2 days and I have to agree 100%. I know there a lot of sad things happening, good people hurting, and unusual changes occurring but honestly, the USA is still a wonderful place to live. While things aren't perfect, we do enjoy so many freedoms. I'm especially grateful for the freedom to worship Jesus, boldly, anywhere I want to. I am also thankful for the freedom to homeschool my children and raise them in a way that I believe is pleasing to God. There are many other countries where my faith and my decision to teach my own children would not be approved of. Even worse, there are some places where I would be killed for my faith and my choice to homeschool.  Some countries I wouldn't even be allowed to have 4 children! 

It's easy to spend a lot of time criticising our government and pointing out all the ways things have gone wrong over the years. It's also common-place to complain about every little thing that doesn't go our way and disagree with everyone that sees things differently. But what if everyone, even for just one day, decided to focus on all the blessings we have? What if we all shared things we loved about our country and the people around us? What we if we took a minute to realize that just being born in this country or having the chance to live here is a gift? 

I challenge myself, my family, and you to spend some time remembering all the reasons we have to be grateful for this amazing country. It's not perfect and it never will be but, it is still the only place I would want to raise my children! There are so many men and women who have fought for the freedoms we enjoy. We owe it them to stop bickering and complaining. If you really think about it, we have it pretty good, y'all! 

Today I am grateful for the ability to live with my family in the United States of America. I'm grateful that I was born in this country and I have lived 35 years in freedom. I know that things aren't perfect here but really, gratitude and love are the ONLY things that will bring about change. Constant arguing and complaining and finger pointing will never improve things. Oh, and I'm grateful for the right to say that.....just because I'm free to say what I believe!

Thank you, Father, for this country! There is still no place I'd rather live!


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