Our Mess

This morning, I came downstairs and discovered my English Bulldog had been sick in the night. As a result, he was lying in a huge mess inside his crate. I felt so bad for him! I immediately let him out of the crate, began washing my pup, and cleaning up the mess. It was so bad that I had to take his crate outside and throw his bed away.

As I was cleaning, I noticed my almost one-year-old dog cowering in fear. He was ashamed and afraid because of what he had done. I wasn't mad at him, and it broke my heart to watch him cower in fear. He doesn't normally cower because he doesn't have a reason to fear us. In fact, that puppy is perhaps the most loved, spoiled dog in the world! The fear he felt seemed almost instinctual, not something we've instilled. 

As I scrubbed the floor and assured my dog that I wasn't angry at him, it occurred to me that we often respond the same way when we find ourselves sitting in a huge mess we've created. Regardless of what caused the situation, God desires to help us out of our predicament and wipe away the debris and residue caused by our choices and mistakes. We are prone to cower in shame, just like my dog did. We fear God and have a hard time believing He has compassion for us, even though the problem is one we created ourselves.

"Therefore, there is now no condemnation for those who are in Christ Jesus." Romans 8:1 (NIV)

I simply wanted to help my dog because I love him. I didn't want him to sit in filth because I know he deserves better than that, even though he is the one who made the mess. The same is true for us. God knows what is best for us and desires to help us simply because He loves us. He does not look at us with disgust or condemnation. He doesn't want us to sit in our mess and He doesn't want us to be afraid of Him. 

We often think it will be easier, safer, and more comfortable to just stay in our wreckage. The enemy tries to convince us that pretending we're fine is a way to protect ourselves, but that couldn't be further from the truth. Sitting in our mess will keep us from growing and becoming the person God created us to be, every single time. Satan wants us to stay in our mess, but God wants to pick us up, wash us off, and clean up the destruction around us. 

Regardless of what type of mess you may find yourself in, your Heavenly Father looks upon you with love and compassion. It breaks His heart to see your discomfort. He isn't mad at you, and He doesn't want you to fear Him or to be filled with angst. He desires to help you out of your predicament even though it may be one you created yourself. 

God is our refuge and strength, a very present help in trouble. Psalm 46:1 (ESV)

My dog couldn't help himself out of his situation. He needed my help to open the crate, clean up the mess, and wash him off. In the same way, many times we truly need God to help us find a way out of our predicament. Thankfully, God is always near, always caring, and always willing to help us. He is our very present help. We need not be afraid but willingly accept His help, knowing He loves us no matter what. 



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